Monday, February 12, 2007

Multicore world

The power of multicore cpu's is just the tip of the iceberg in application performance. This is really a hidden disruptive technology that really gets little press due to nobody really utilizes it's powers. I figure most users spend 90% of their time with a browser requiring little processing power. So of course we keep upgrading to faster everything for really no real measurable benefit. So the question now is what will I be using all this multicore cpu power for in my system and graphics cards beyond the browser?

I don't see how internet based application really take a nice leap without leveraging all this local computing power. You cannot really expect Ajax based apps to lead us ito the next 5 years. The requirements for hosting applications is becoming more and more difficult and the amount of processing power required is astonishing. You would think the client/server performance distribution would be going the other way, eg. leveraging 90% of the clients cpu power and 10% of the host/server. Instead the trend seems like the complete opposite.

I look forward to new applications build around Adobe Flex and Apollo.

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