Sunday, April 1, 2007

Adventures with Craigslist, days 3-7

So my understanding of Craigslist deleting patters begins. I try some more messages and eventually I see them deleted by user flags or staff delete. At this point even with a few dozen messages out there I'm still not seeing much traffic. I change the message and make sure a URL link is pointing to my site. Bingo, traffic is on the rise. So I start posting more messages. Over the next few days I really start seeing staff deleted messages for my account. I create more email and craigslist accounts. That helps a little but now I think there on to me. After a few days I'm starting to see the reference of my domain as a link just being staff deleted immediately. I try different email addresses, IP addresses, different messages, no luck. Any message with my domain in it as a link is banned. What I really find out is that just my domain name in words and any link to something else will trigger a delete. I don't think they really care about about ip or email addresses, once your domain name eg. "" is targeted your out of luck. Now you could just use '' without any url link, that's fine but we know user behavior is just plain lazy to cut/paste anything in. The analysis continue.

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